Thursday, December 25, 2008

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! It's Christmas day. The rush to get it done, the hustle and bustle, the panic you have waiting for that final gift to arrive in the mail, it all ends today. Last night we watched A Christmas Carol with George C Scott then off to bed. This morning came the presents and laughter. We read our Santa wish lists from about nine years ago, (I had them in our stockings). Our daughter home for the holiday is the best gift of all. I love seeing how she and her boyfriend look at each other. She has been welcomed into his family just as we have welcomed him into ours. He is a good man, steady, strong, with good family values.
I talked to family back east, sharing their Christmas joy. Now it's time to watch our favorite movies, relax and enjoy the warmth of each others company. Speaking of warmth, we have to run a cord to the trailer so the kids can have heat tonight so I gotta run.
See you out shopping tomorrow!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I finished the Family Tree I was making. I really liked the way it turned out. A bit more time consuming than I had thought, but well worth it. I almost mailed it off without taking any pictures so I didn't set the tree up with all the photos hanging. Just took some quick pics for reference. Send me feedback and suggestions if you have any. Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Last night we went to an open house held by one of our San Diego Fifty-Sixers members (we all collect Dept. 56 villages and set up displays at Christmas). I met a lady named Kim who was there representing the GCT (granulosa cell tumor of the ovary foundation). Kim is also a survivor. I talked with her about possibly doing a fundraiser with SBR. Plan to talk with Elena in the next few days and then get back to Kim. To find out more about GCT go to their website:
I entered my answer on the SBR blog to todays' question. Hope I win. Yesterday I forgot to enter the second part of the question. Typical brain damage.
I am making a chipboard family tree for my brother and his family. I printed out photos of our ancesters going back to the 1860's. The pictures in frames will hang from the tree, and he can change them around. I better remember to send him a list of names so he will know who is who.
I will post a picture of the finished product, which means I better finish it tonight and get it in the mail tomorrow. Christmas is only 9 days away!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Merry Christmas! I want to let all my scrapping friends know about Scrapbook Royalty. I have been involved with Scrapbook Royalty since the very beginning several years ago. A friend of mine, Elena Etcheverry, came to me with an idea. Elena wanted to find a way to raise money for charities through scrapbooking. Out of our first meeting, Scrapbook Royalty was born. We created Charitable Crops for Causes. Twelve hour crops with free classes, free food, give aways, and a prize for the Queen of the Crop (the person who raised the most funds for the charity). So what makes SBR different from other fundraising organizations you ask? Why should I check them out? Scrapbook Royalty is completely volunteer run. All of the money raised goes to the Charity. No one takes a salary. It is truly amazing what a group of caring dedicated women can do when they put their minds to it. Just this past week Elena celebrated SBR becoming a non-profit organization. It took almost two years and tons of paperwork, but she did it!
Right now you can go on the website and enter the daily contest from now until Christmas. While there check out the upcoming Royal Slumber Party crop set for March 2009. Help raise money for charity by using the links on the site to do some shopping and seraching: and Better yet sign up for a crop and find out how much fun giving truly is!
Hoping to see you in March,