Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hurry! Michaels is selling those little sponge paintbrush 15 for $1.00! Must get them today. I will try and pick up some extras for those who don't make it. See you at book club.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Yea! My first real comment from Dawn and Bridget. I am also making a gift for my fellow Charmed Ones. it is definitely time to start planning for Survivor Crop. Last year I was new to scrapping and Survivor. This year I am going to plan pages and have them organized in advance. Then at Survivor I can assemble instead of spending time planning. Hopefully I will get more done this time. I think I am going to focus on our honeymoon in Hawaii. Yes it was 29 years ago, but the island theme does seem to go with Survivor. Hope to hear from more of my friends hear on our blog.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Last night was book club meeting. Our leader brought in a NEW scrapbooking magazine. It is terrific!. These people really listened to what scrappers needed, and they responded. This is a must buy. The magazine came with a CD full of instructions, and lots of extras. Give it a try, I know this will become the #1 magazine in no time. It's called SCRAPBOOK ANSWERS.
Look for it at Barnes and Noble.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Everafter called and invited me to crop Friday night. There were only six of us there. We had so much fun. I was able to finish the gifts for the Charmed Ones. Now I need to get hot and heavy on my fundraisers. I have been thinking about what I want to scrap at Survivor Crop. Our honeymoon in Hawaii would be fun, and it would fit the island theme. Yes, that's what I will do. I can work on the photos here and then at the crop. I also thought about doing the old family photos and family tree, but I'm not ready for that. Next year I plan to have a table for Phi Kappa Scrappa. We will be the Sorority Survivors. I hope some of my fellow scrappers will start sharing their thoughts here soon.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I stayed home for the holiday. Every evening I sat on the patio, listening to the fountain and the birds. So peaceful and relaxing. I watched the movie The Notebook yesterday. It's the one where the husband reads his wife a story, the story of their life together, hoping she will remember. She has dementia and has no memroy of him or her family. What a love story. I am lucky, I am loved by someone so completely it feels as though our very souls are connected. I wish everyone could know this feeling of being loved. The woman in the story had written the story herself, in case there came a time she lost her memory. I thought how important this simple journal was to those she cared about so much. I think it is like the journaling we do in our scrapbooks. The simple telling of our everyday life is what makes us who we are, the everyday moments that will be remembered. Pass a part of yourself on to those who will follow. Journal what you feel!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

I made a Starbucks' run today for the croppers at Everafter. It was nice to see the girls. Marah Johnson has some new papers coming out that will be perfect for our many camping vacations and travels. Time to start planning pages for Survivor Crop. I want to be organized this year so I can get more done. Next year I hope to have a table at Survivor for Phi Kappa Scrappa. We would be the Sorority Survivors.
The recent disaster of hurricane Katrina had me thinking. For myself I scrap the good times. Life isn't all happy and fun. I think I will start to look for ways to include the trials and troubles of life. This is often where we find our true strengths and weaknesses. Our descendants will learn more from a full picture of our life than just a happy portrait. Maybe just including a journal note about a difficult time that occured around the same time frame as the fun things we crop. Let me know what you think.