Sunday, September 11, 2005

Everafter called and invited me to crop Friday night. There were only six of us there. We had so much fun. I was able to finish the gifts for the Charmed Ones. Now I need to get hot and heavy on my fundraisers. I have been thinking about what I want to scrap at Survivor Crop. Our honeymoon in Hawaii would be fun, and it would fit the island theme. Yes, that's what I will do. I can work on the photos here and then at the crop. I also thought about doing the old family photos and family tree, but I'm not ready for that. Next year I plan to have a table for Phi Kappa Scrappa. We will be the Sorority Survivors. I hope some of my fellow scrappers will start sharing their thoughts here soon.

1 comment:


I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this, but i just received my first phony comment with a link. It was sent from a website that was a commercial dating site. How RUDE!!